Mikro Kapital launches first tokenised microcredit bonds

This announcement was made during the Plan B event in Lugano, Switzerland.
The collaboration between Mikro Kapital and Bitfinex Securities includes defining tokenisation projects, listing and trading debt securities and evaluating the use of Tether tokens tied to USD (USDT) and euros (EURT) for microfinance capital raising.Tokens can be exchanged and traded on the Bitfinex securities platform in denominations of 100 USDt, with a minimum initial purchase of 125,000 USDt. The first tokenised bond has a three-year maturity, 10% interest rate, and a total size of 10 million USDt. More issuances are planned for the future. Through this initiative, Mikro Kapital, led by president Vincenzo Trani, aims to broaden access to microfinance and incorporate innovative technologies like blockchain.

Read the full news https://www.funds-europe.com/mikro-kapital-launches-first-tokenised-microcredit-bonds/